Shipping & Returns

Return Policy

All unworn/unwashed garments ordered online can be exchanged if returned within 7 business days of pickup. The customer is responsible for returning item to uniform store or shipping to CFJ. No restocking fee will apply. Note, if return product is washed/worn exchange will not be honored and the original item will be returned at your expense.

Any damaged or defective garment can be exchanged, provided it has not been washed/worn, within 90 days of pickup. CFJ will provide a return shipping label for damaged or defective garments requiring an exchange. Note, if return product is washed/worn exchange will not be honored and the original item will be returned at your expense.

Please reach out to to facilitate any returns or exchanges.

Shipping Policy

All shipping within your allowance will be paid by CapMetro.  Shipping and taxes will be charged for all personal purchases exceeding allowance amount.